Uncategorized - Willamette Wellness Center

Willamette Wellness Center Celebrates Record Growth

With 29 trained and board-certified mental health clinicians on staff, Willamette Wellness Center is proud to provide more mental health support than ever before. Willamette Wellness Center’s latest expansion is part of the agency’s continued mission to offer accessible and safe trauma-informed mental health care to those needing support throughout Oregon and Washington.  “Having a […]

Healing LGBTQIA+ Collective Trauma Through Relationship

For too many of us within the LGBTQIA+ community, we share an experience of rejection, exclusion and conditional belonging.  When traditional gender roles and orientation are assumed, members of of LGBQTIA+ community can be forced to choose between quietly feeling, “it’s so nice to be part of this, but if they really knew me…” or […]

Breaking the Cycle of Disorganized Attachment

Why is my partner mean when I get sick or hurt?  It makes no sense and hurts my feelings. Some people struggle when their loved ones get sick or injured – acting angry, giving the cold shoulder, and temporarily abandoning the one they love (leaving the room or house for hours at a time). Sometimes they […]

It’s Time for Guilt to Take a Break

Feeling guilty about needing or wanting rest? This topic often comes up in therapy sessions. Many feel they need to be in motion all the time (cleaning, working, exercising) or producing something like straight A’s, spots on athletic teams or promotions at work. And, when not in motion, or accomplishing something, internal thoughts can sound […]

Learning to Love

Cooperation and love aren’t inherent qualities; they are taught and nurtured from parental figures. Emotionally mature role models help children peacefully get along by modeling and teaching life skills such as: conflict resolution, emotion regulation, self soothing/calming and assertion skills. They also tend to offer resources like: love, praise, attention, education and time freely and […]

Get to Know Katie Schmitten, LSWAIC, CSWA

Willamette Wellness Center is home to many talented professionals. I recently chatted with Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Sara Anderson, to learn more about her career and life outside the profession. What brought you to this profession? Ultimately I came into this profession with hopes of healing my own past conflicts and traumas. I really connected […]

Yes, Yes, Yes – Orgasm Equity for All!

In honor of Women’s History Month, let’s make our own mark on history by flipping the script on womens’ sexual pleasure! Picture this: You identify as female and are in a committed relationship with your male partner. You consider your relationship healthy; you love each other, feel safe and generally like to satisfy each other […]

Get to Know Sara Anderson, LCSW

Willamette Wellness Center is home to many talented professionals. I recently chatted with Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Sara Anderson, to learn more about her career and life outside the profession. What brought you to this profession? I have gone through my own healing journey that absolutely informs my practice, especially in regard to family system […]

Get to Know Jordan Valentine, MSW

Willamette Wellness Center is home to many talented professionals. I recently chatted with Clinical Social Work Associate, Jordan Valentine, to learn more about her career and life outside the profession. What brought you to this profession? My interest in mental wellness, family and the lived experience. From a young age I was interested in psychology […]

Get to Know Alicia Sager, LCSW

Willamette Wellness Center is home to many talented professionals. I recently chatted with Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Alicia Sager, to learn more about Alicia’s career and life outside the profession. What brought you to this profession? My own lived experiences: healing from complex trauma, research in University, endless curiosity of the human condition and joy […]

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