Blog Post By Arin Wallington
Get to Know Jordan Valentine, MSW

Willamette Wellness Center is home to many talented professionals. I recently chatted with Clinical Social Work Associate, Jordan Valentine, to learn more about her career and life outside the profession.
What brought you to this profession?
My interest in mental wellness, family and the lived experience. From a young age I was interested in psychology and systems of all kinds including medical, political and economic. When the focus is on the whole picture, we can really drill down to what is in our own control – and that’s when true transformation can happen.
What does a win in a session look like?
I want to help my patients find their joy and passion. That’s only possible when you can allow yourself the room to fail and still feel ok. When a client can feel safe enough to go out and gently challenge something, while also feeling supported, that’s a win.
True healing from a client comes when they can deliver self compassion + softness. Everyone deserves a soft space to come back to.
What brought you to WWC?
So many things. I appreciate the standard of care that Willamette Wellness Center gives everyone. I am really interested in trauma-informed care, psychedelic therapy and progressive, the social justice-oriented perspective the clinic has. Ultimately the values of Arin and WWC aligned with my own.
What do you do in your free time?
I like to bake, cook and enjoy live music. I also go on countless walks with my pomeranian/shih-tsu, Chewy!
Word for 2023: Softness
Learn more about Jordan’s professional background and specialties.