Blog - Willamette Wellness Center - Page 10


Voices from Willamette Wellness Center

Blog Post By Arin Wallington

I’ve Never Told my Kids they Were “Too Sensitive”

I want my children to have access to all of their emotions and feelings. If they are sensitive, that’s a parenting win for me. It shows that I’ve taught them how to freely express their feelings without fear of reprimand. I am relieved that my boys feel safe enough with me and our environment to […]

Blog Post By Arin Wallington

How A Healthy Sex Life Can Improve Mental Health

Whatever the idea of sex conjures up in your mind, one thing is certain: a healthy sex life can have a positive impact on mental health in several ways. What does ‘healthy sex life’ mean? The answer is completely unique to you. There is no set number of times per week, or length of intercourse, […]

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